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Sunday, June 20, 2010

14th June 2010.

12.00 25deg 4´N, 62deg 11´W. Still moving, racing along at 2.3kn. 35 Nm days
run, 20 of that from the current but at least we´re moving. Wind 3.5kn
apparent from SSW, boat heading 075deg. Which is probably about 5 or 6knots
of wind. Better than no wind. Got weatherfax working with shortwave radio
and laptop, clean image from Boston of current surface analysis, looks like
a weak trough over us at the moment, a few clouds about but that´s it. Will
get 24h and 48h forecasts later when they are broadcast and try New Orleans
as well. Might give up on downloading grib files with satphone, uses up too
much expensive airtime minutes and I find weatherfaxes give a better big
picture of what´s going on anyway. The gribs seem not very accurate when the
winds are as light as this. probably a lot of it´s local anyway.

Is it lunchtime yet? What shall we have, mmm, lets see, what about trigger
fish! Again. Last one and doubt if I could catch any with the boat moving.
Though might try some triggerfish skin on a lure. I´ve watched dorado come
and look at a lure then swim away before, maybe with some bait on there they
could be persuaded to come to dinner. And triggerfish skin is really tough,
like leather so should stay on the hook. Dream on,eh :)

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