25th July 2010.
08.30. Turned right. A bit. Now pointing towards Lands End. Hurrah. Wind got up during the night, about 20Kts true now from the south. Just got rid of the pole and sailing starboard tack at about 6kts. Little choppy but not rolling as much as overnight, which was a rolly thing indeed! Spinnaker down. A little quicker than was planned. Wind rose a tiny bit before sunset last night, I was down below and BANG!!!! Boat goes shudder. Ooops. Spinnaker down. Spinnaker now trailing along the side of the boat in the water. Halyard parted at the masthead where there was some chafe, should have spotted that. So getting a spinnaker back onboard when the sock has turned into a giant balloon with about 150 litres of seawater is a very good aerobic workout, spare main halyard on a winch was the only way. So Mr Spinnaker is now back in his bag and having a little lie down in the forepeak. Don´t think he´ll come out to play again for a while.
12.00 43deg 51N 30deg 15W.
Wind about 20Kt from south. Bit choppy. Days run 113Nm.
26th July 2010. 12.00 44deg 47N 27deg 49W.
Days run 124Nm. Nice sailing today, wind down to about 10Kt true from just west of south. Seas down, nice again. Broke the thousand mile barrier, about 960 to go, just over a week at this speed. Quite looking forward to seeing land. The rolling fields and hills of England's green and pleasant land once more. Hope it´s sunny. Wefax shows a cold front coming through tomorrow, some swell from south west already so tomorrow it might even rain! Imagine! And a bit more wind but hopefully will pass through quick.
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